Monday, March 4, 2019

Michael J. Vaughn: Recent Reviews

The Monkey Tribe
Five Stars
Always evocative and compelling
March 2, 2019
“Perhaps because the locations in this novel were significant in my own love affair and spiritual growth, I was particularly moved by this story. Perhaps because this is the fourth book of Vaughn's that I've read, I now consider myself a huge fan. He elevates everything which could be mundane into rich gratitude.” -- Nancy Gingrich

Five Stars
Remember "Watermelon Sugar"? Did you love Brautigan?
January 28, 2019
“Fantasy, hope, sex (more than I expected) but kind, magic. How something semi-real is captivating. Very California in all the best moods of that phrase.” – Terry

Five Stars
December 5, 2018
“This was one of the most unusual books I have ever read. A little too much musical band jargon made it a bit uncomfortable to read, but the characters were well developed and the Falter family was a joy to read about, especially Pablo and Derek, the sons-well raised. Thanks” -- Kindle Customer

Five Stars
Great book
January 6, 2019
“The 2nd book I've read by this author, though I didn't realize it until I finished. This was a story of an epic adventure that every young man dreams of and some accomplish to greater or (probably) lesser degree. It kept my interest and I only put it down when I had to. I haven't read of a cross country like this since ‘On The Road.’” -- Will St. Iver

Five Stars
A must read.
January 1, 2019
“This is a fantastic, magical read. Couldn't put it down. The main character, Skye is on a never ending journey. He is a very likable guy who meets many interesting people who help him grow on his journey.” -- R Lillis

Five Stars
Best in a long time
October 3, 2018
“Not sure why, but it had everything great in spades. I didn't even really know it was a love story till the last. Very cool. Like this author a lot and editing was good!” -- Ellie Winslow

Note: These reviews were written by Amazon customers entirely unconnected to the author. Beware of false reviews! (An excellent clue would be a book with 17 five-star reviews. Those most assuredly came from friends and family.) Special thanks to Julie Moore Rogers Promotions and Booksends for this recent spate of excellent publicity. MJV













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